jeudi 30 août 2007

New Adress

[FR] Changement d'adresse pour ce petit projet, vous le trouverez désormais ici-même :

Ne manquez pas d'y retourner de temps à autre, des mises à jour sont au programme.

[ENG] A new adress for this small project, now you'll find it here :

Do not hesitate to visit it from now and then for many updates are scheduled.

mardi 17 juillet 2007

Si Christophe Colomb...

English translation :

If Christopher Colombus, while searching for the Indies, had not discovered the Americas...

It would surely have been a tragical end for his Santa-Maria.

Si Isaac Newton...

English translation :

If Isaac Newton had not discovered the theory of the universal gravitation...

We all could fly away by our own to feel the caress of the clouds on our toes.